We get to the bottom of pavement failures.
When a pavement fails prematurely, the consequences rarely favor the paver. Costly remediations, a complete re-pave, or expensive litigation are a few of the reasons why a forensic analysis can be your best strategy for addressing the problem. The forensics process includes a thorough evaluation of your sample, whether core or loose mix. From the time your samples are received at the lab, we begin time-tested procedures to deconstruct and determine what caused the pavement to fail prematurely.
The BATT Lab puts each sample through a battery of testing procedures to determine the physical aspects, compaction, and make-up of the mix. Our capabilities include an array of testing methods, that include Hamburg Wheel Tracker and IDEAL CT to the more complex rheometers and modulus testing.
We can deconstruct the mix through an auto analyzer to separate liquid binder from aggregate to determine if issues existed in the production or if degradation occurred due to the mix design.