Asphalt solutions that offer significant advancements
BATT asphalt experts turn asphalt research into reality
A long-term solution for a failing runway
With nearly four decades of experience designing crack-resistant asphalt interlayers, our BATT asphalt professionals devised an asphalt interlayer solution that has held strong after three years and shows virtually no signs of cracking. The interlayer design should last a decade longer, which represents an excellent return on investment for the airport.
Surface Tech's High RAP solution
Mercer Road serves as the feeder route to the Lexington/Bluegrass Airport and sees plenty of daily, heavy-load traffic from warehouses serving UPS, FedEx, Amazon, and other shippers. The Lexington/Fayette Urban County Government (LFUCG) was searching for asphalt pavement solutions that would provide improved sustainability, and the asphalt experts at BATT had a proven solution to offer.
BASF's new asphalt modifiers
BATT supplied asphalt engineering support to help BASF test a modification technology designed to improve adhesion of the asphalt mix by cross-linking the liquid binder. The product underwent rigorous testing in a Phase 1 placement in 2020 at the National Center for Asphalt Technology (NCAT) at Auburn University.
Uberbinder's polymerized sulfur
The asphalt experts at BATT assisted the creators of Uberbinder, in testing a promising new solution for lowering CO2 in asphalt paving using polymerized sulfur.