Asphalt core sampling —
an accurate way to achieve better performing pavements.

Core sampling is typically done after the asphalt has been laid and compacted to verify that the pavement meets project specifications for thickness, density, and material quality. However, BATT can extract core samples during or post-construction to ensure compliance with specifications, especially on high-traffic or critical infrastructure projects. Cores help determine thickness and density when there are concerns about the pavement’s performance, such as potential defects in compaction or premature cracking. Additionally, samples pulled during routine inspections or forensic investigations can uncover issues like surface distress or subgrade problems that may impact the pavement's integrity.

You can rely on the quality of BATT asphalt core sampling due to our commitment to precision, quality, and customer satisfaction. Our team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art equipment can deliver accurate core sampling that meets industry standards and provides reliable insights into pavement conditions and expected performance. Our dedication to excellence guarantees that every project receives the highest level of care, helping to identify potential issues early and extend the life of the asphalt.

Trust BATT to deliver thorough, dependable results that contribute to safer, better performing asphalt pavement solutions.