Asphalt Mix Design 101

We can help your team improve their understanding of asphalt mix designs — from aggregate and asphalt binder technician basics to mix design development and volumetric design.

See course details.

Asphalt Volumetric Mix Design

Asphalt Volumetric Mix Design is a comprehensive course focusing on the principles and methodologies essential for developing effective asphalt mixtures. The curriculum encompasses a range of topics, including binder testing and specifications, aggregate properties and testing, volumetric analysis, moisture susceptibility testing, and performance testing for rut and crack resistance.

See course details.

BATT asphalt experts can help your team succeed.

Whether it’s making sure your team stays safe in the lab or in the field, or whether they need to learn new asphalt mix design techniques, the BATT Team can provide training that can make a difference in how well your team performs.

Training can be performed at the BATT Lab or at your location, and all training courses can be tailored to fit the needs of your company or team. Customized courses can also be designed to fit any level of needed training.

Balanced Mix Design 101 and 102

Balanced Mix Design (BMD) is here to stay. Let the BATT team help you meet the challenges by providing a deeper understanding of BMD tests, what is required, how to reduce error, and ways/materials to improve your mix. Different materials can dramatically affect the behavior of the asphalt mix. Let BATT get you ready to meet specs.

See details on both courses.

Asphalt 101

Our Asphalt 101 courses are fast-paced training sessions that walk team members through aggregate, binder, mix, BMD, and more. Each topic is covered briefly to provide familiarity with asphalt mixture concepts. These courses are designed for team members who are new to asphalt, or for back-office staff members. They can also serve as a refresher course for seasoned employees, and each course can be tailored to the specific educational needs of your team.

See course details:

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